■ 所属クリエイター情報 :Davy & Kristin McGuireの「Siren」がPrinces Quayで展示!

COLORs CREATION所属のDavy & Kristin McGuireが、イギリス・ヨークシャーにあるショッピングセンターPrinces Quayで、人魚と海の生き物の水中世界を生き生きと描く作品を制作。ホログラフィックプロジェクションの美しく心に残るディスプレイを水中に映し出し、プラスチック汚染や気候変動の被害にあう不思議な海の生き物や人魚をフォーカスを当てています。


2021年10月22日から24日までのPrinces QuayでDavy & Kristin McGuireの作品をご覧ください

Davy & Kristin McGuireの詳細はコチラから

One of Colors Creation co.ltd. creator Davy & Kristin McGuire will bring an underwater world of mermaids and sea creatures to life at Princes Quay, in a beautiful but haunting display of holographic projections into the water, featuring uncanny sea creatures and mermaids’ encounter with plastic pollution and climate change.

As global warming impacts the habitats of humans, animals and sea creatures we see fish populations diminish, go extinct or move to better living and feeding grounds. Mermaids are not exempt from this destructive process. In various parts of the world they have been forced to migrate to better feeding grounds in order to survive. Moving closer to urban environments helps them to live of human food waste, but the Sirens’ appearance is a symptom of worse things to come…

See their works at Princes Quay on Oct 22nd-24th, 2021.

For more information on Davy & Kristin Mcguire, have a look at their page: https://colors-creation.com/creator/davy-kristin-mcguire/