この度、ドイツ・ベルリンを拠点に活動するクリエイティブ・デュオ”John Tettenborn & Kourtney Lara Ross/ジョン・テッテンボーン氏とコートニー・ララ・ロス”が当社の3DCGクリエイターとして所属いたしました。
[New Members Announced] Creative Duo “John Tettenborn & Kourtney Lara Ross”
We are pleased to announce that “John Tettenborn & Kourtney Lara Ross”, a creative duo based in Berlin, Germany, has joined COLOR’sCREATION as 3DCG creators.
They are known for creating unique audiovisual experiences through projection mapping and immersive content, and have won numerous international awards.
We welcome them as part of our team and look forward to expanding our creative horizons.
For detailed profiles and award history, please see the link below.