John Tettenborn & Kourtney Lara Ross[Germany]
ジョン テッテンボーン アンド コートニー ララ ロス(ドイツ)
John Tettenborn
プロジェクションマッピングを専門とするモーション・グラフィック・アーティスト。Resorb Collectiveのアートディレクターとしても活躍。
2018年と2019年にモスクワで開催された Art Vision Classic Contestで2年連続優勝、1minute Projection Mapping Competition(日本)でも数々の賞を受賞した。2021年にはワイマールのGenius Lociフェスティバルで優勝、重慶国際ライトフェスティバルで銅賞を受賞、2023年ブカレストiMappコンテストのファイナリスト。
AI画像生成ツールの登場以来、実験的アプローチを研究し、自身の作品に応用。特に2022年、聖徳記念絵画館で開催された1minute Projection Mapping Competitionの作品は記憶に新しい。
Kourtney Lara Ross
アメリカ出身の作曲家、サウンドデザイナー、ミュージシャン。マサチューセッツ州ボストンのバークリー音楽大学で学び、コンテンポラリー・ライティングとプロダクションで音楽学士号を取得。2021年、ビデオ・マッピング・シーンに出会い、ベルリンを拠点とする集団ResorbのJohn Tettenbornと協働を開始。クライアントからの要求に合わせ多様な作品を制作し、数々の国際的なイベントに参加。2021年、John TettenbornとともにワイマールのGenius Lociフェスティバルで優勝。以来、ドイツ、日本、中国などで数々の賞を受賞。
John Tettenborn & Kourtney Lara Ross are a creative duo based in Berlin, Germany. They work closely together to create integrated and engaging audiovisual experiences for projection mapping and immersive content.
John Tettenborn
John Tettenborn is a Motion Graphics Artists based in Berlin, Germany, who specializes in Projection Mapping. He often works as an art director in the Resorb Collective.
He did the Art Direction for many award winning Projects and was two year consecutive winner of the Art Vision Classic Contest in Moscow in 2018 and 2019 and won several awards in the 1minute Projection Mapping Competition in Japan. In 2021 he won at the Genius Loci Festival in Weimar, and received a Bronze award at the Chongquing International Light Festival. In 2023 he was a finalist in the iMapp Contest in Bucharest.
His experience in working with big international clients spans more than 10 years.
Since the early advent of AI image generation tools he has been researching and applying these experimental approaches in his work, most prominently in the 1minute Projection Mapping Competition on Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery in Japan in 2022.
Kourtney Lara Ross
Kourtney Lara Ross is an American composer, sound designer, and musician based in Berlin, Germany. She attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts, and earned a Bachelor of Music in Contemporary Writing and Production. In 2021, she was introduced to the Video mapping scene and has worked closely with John Tettenborn from the Berlin-based collective Resorb. Together, they have produced diverse works for clients and have been part of numerous international events. In 2021, alongside John Tettenborn, won Genius Loci Weimar (Germany) with their work projected on the Bastille. Since then, they have won awards in Germany, Japan, China, and other countries.
2024 Chongqing International Light Art Festival – Silver award
2024 Shining Shanghai – Silver award
2024 Schlosslichtspiele Karlsruhe – 3rd prize
2023 1minute Projection Mapping Competition in Tokyo – Tokyo Tokyo Prize
2023 iMapp Bucharest – Finalist
2022 Chongqing International Light Festival – Bronze Award
2022 1minute Projection Mapping Tokyo – Jury Award
2021 Genius Loci Weimar – Grand Prize
2019 1minute Projection Mapping Competition in Odawara – Audience Award
2019 Art Vision Classic Moscow – Grand Prize
2018 Art Vision Classic Moscow – Grand Prize