COLORs CREATIONに所属するインドネシアのクリエイティブスタジオ「Sembilan Matahari(スンビラン マタハリ)」のリールを公開したので是非ご覧ください。
日本でも2012年に1minute Projection Mappingの初代グランプリに輝いて以降、様々なプロジェクトを実施しています。
The reel for Sembilan Matahari, Creator from Indonesia, part of COLORs CREATION Co. ltd. had been publicized, so have a look at it!
They are a cross-disciplined studio founded back in 2007 which is based in Bandung, near the capital Jakarta, and are expanding their creative activities internationally.
In Japan, they have also won the Grand Prix for the 1minute Projection Mapping in 2012 and has implemented various other projects. Collaborating with great talents from all over the world with diverse backgrounds, they have created a number of internationally award-winning works of art, from commercial works, to bold, innovative, experiential and exciting works.
If you are interested in them, please look at their profile details from the link below!