COLORs CREATIONに所属するトルコのクリエイター「Ouchhh(アウチ)」のリールを公開しました。是非ご覧ください。
インタラクティブなニューメディアプラットフォーム、人工知能、データ駆動型の彫刻や絵画、キネティック(動く)パブリックアート、没入型体験、建築の壁面に行うA Vパフォーマンスの製作に重点を置いた多領域なクリエイティブハブとして知られている。 建築、芸術、科学、技術、ニューメディアアート、人工知能を繋ぐものを研究することで、アートの境界を追求し続けている。
The reel for Ouchhh, Creator from Turkey, part of COLORs CREATION Co. ltd. had been publicized, so have a look at it!
Ouchhh is an award winning independent creative new media studio with cross-discipline expertise in Art – Science – Technology. They are considered to be a multidisciplinary creative hub focused on interactive new media platforms, artificial intelligence, data-driven sculptures & paintings, kinetic public arts, immersive experiences, and producing A/V architectural facade performances.
They are always discovering the boundaries of art by researching relationship between architecture, art, science, technology, new media arts and artificial intelligence. They have exhibited their works all over the world from Europe, Asia, America etc. where they have won numerous awards.
Their works are amazing and if this has caught your interest, please look at their profile details from the link below!