
東京都葛飾区の観光資源づくり事業の一環として、かなまちの街をイルミネーションでライトアップする「ライティング・コラボレーションかなまち」にてプロジェクションマッピングを実施。本学葛飾キャンパス内の管理棟(63m × 18m)をスクリーンに、理科大生制作の映像作品やプロによる映像作品を投影。

Tokyo University of Science “Science University Projection Mapping”
Projection Mapping was carried out at “Lighting Collaboration Kanamachi”, an event to light up the city of Kanamachi with illuminations as part of the tourism resource creation project in Katsushika-ku, Tokyo. Video production by both the science university students and professionals were projected on the screen of the administration building (63m x 18m) of the Katsushika campus of the university.

Sound Design : Makoto SOHZU(FLIGHTGRAF)
Opening CG:Hiroyuki OKA(Active Design)
Technical Direction:Masahiro ISHIKAWA(PMAJ)
Projection Techinic : Arkbell Inc.
Project Management:Hideki FUJII(PMAJ)
Supervise : Michiyuki ISHITA(PMAJ)
Produce:Projection Mapping Association of Japan (PMAJ)
Organizer:Lighting Kanamachi Executive Committee