Kay Yoshida[Japan]
1978年 大分県出身。音楽を軸としてマルチクリエイターとして活動。
14歳より作曲を始め、17歳の時に小室哲哉主催コンテストの入賞がきっかけとなりプロへの道を志す。 大学卒業後、一般企業に就職。WEBマーケティングの仕事と並行して音楽活動は継続。その後、音楽活動が功を奏し、 2度のメジャーデビュー。この頃から本格的な作曲家、キーボーディストとしてのプロ活動を開始した。
現在、自身のバンドとして2015年に山川浩正(元THE BOOMのベーシスト)と共に「1−GATA」を結成。「1−GATA」メンバーは全員1型糖尿病(IDDM)患者であり、自身も12歳から発症し闘病している。また2019年より持病の合併症により人工透析の治療もはじめた。しかし全国各地でライブ活動・講演を行うことで、1型糖尿病の啓発活動や募金活動に繋げている。(※1-GATA現在は活動停止中。)
2014年にはデザインと音楽の会社「株式会社サンナナ」を 設立し、自身は主にCMソング等の楽曲制作、またマーケティング及びライティング等を担当している。近年では、写真家としても活躍し、東京、福島など全国で個展を開催、県の写真コンテストなどで賞を受賞。
Kay Yoshida is a multi-creator focusing on music, born in 1978 in Oita Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan. He began compositing at the age of 14, and at 17, he won the contest sponsored by Tetsuya Komuro (One of the most successful producer in Japanese music history) and aspired to become a professional.
After graduating from university, he got a job at a general company, where he did web marketing work while continuing on his music activities. After that, his music activity became successful and he made two major debuts. He started his professional activities as a full-fledged composer and keyboardist around this time. In 2015, he started his own band known as “1-GATA” together as with Hiromasa Yamakawa (former bassist of THE BOOM). All of the “1-GATA” members are patients with type 1 diabetes (IDDM). He developed the disease at the age of 12 and has been continuously fighting the disease. He has been undergoing dialysis treatment since 2019 due to complications of the chronic illness. However, he conducts live activities and lectures throughout the country, which leads to awareness-raising activities and fundraising activities for type 1 diabetes.
*”1-GATA” is currently inactive. ‥
After the Kumamoto earthquake that happened in his hometown in 2016, he released a charity CD to support the reconstruction of “Mashiki-machi”, where he spent his youth.
Other than as a musician, he is also engaged in the production business. As a creator, he started “Connection” in 2008. In 2014, he founded a design and music company “Sunnana inc.”, and is mainly in charge of producing music which includes CM songs, marketing, and lighting. In recent years, he has also been active as a photographer, holding solo exhibitions in Tokyo and Fukushima, and winning prizes in prefectural photography contests. “Sunnana inc.” became finalists 4 times in world mapping competitions held in Russia and Japan. He contributed great achievements as a sound director. Last year, he was in charge of the sound for projection mapping of the 90th-anniversary ceremony of diplomatic relations with Japan in Iran. He also won second place in the Japanese composition contest.